You are here : Administrator Tools > System Policies > General Setting

General Setting


Every organization has its own unique way of functioning. Through this option, users can instruct IMMS to behave in a particular manner to suit the functioning of the organization. In technical jargon this process is known as setting the flags. Hence, setting the flag as YES or NO to certain options, determines the behaviour of IMMS.


It is very important for the user to know the implications of setting the flag in a particular position. Administrator/User, after taking inputs from all the concerned, needs to take an informed decision before setting the flag in a particular position. Positions of some flags cannot be changed during the year.


Through this option, user can define parameters which influence many important matters at the time of user login.


Click on the button to enter/change the values of the flags.

Screen Layout of General Setting

Field Description of General Setting

How many wrong password entries should loack the user?

(Type : Numeric, Length : 4)


Enter the number of times a user is allowed to try entering password. If the user continuously enters wrong password for the entered number of times, his or her login id will be locked and will not be able to log in IMMS. An appropriate message will be displayed to this effect.


Enter 0 in this field in case you do not want to have any limit on wrong password entries.


User login expiration due days:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 4)


Enter the number of days after which existing login ids should expire. Once expired, a login id needs to be created again.


Enter 0 in this field in case you do not want to the login ids to expire at all.


Password reset limit in days:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 4)


Enter the number of days after which Passwords of existing login ids should expire. Once expired, Password has to be set again.


Enter 0 in this field in case you do not want to the passwords to be reset at all.


Minimum Password character length required in password:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 2)


Enter the minimum number of characters (including special characters) that the Password should have. It should be between 0 and 20.


Enter 0 in this field in case the password should have maximum number of characters which is 20. But if it is greater than 0, than the system will ensure that the password contains at least that many characters.


Number of times same password cannot be repeated:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 4)


Enter the number of times up to which a user can not use the previous password while changing it. For example, if the password of a user is 'mypass$123' and the value in this field is 3, than while changing to a new password, the user can not assign 'mypass$123' for 3 times in a row. But it can be used while changing it for the fourth time.


Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard.